Robotics Enthusiast

I recently joined Bosch Corporate Research as a robotics software engineer. In parallel, I'm finishing my PhD at Bielefeld University, in Germany. Moreover, I have been working for the margin company in the FinTech sector. Well, to keep it short and simple: I am interested in nearly everything related to Computer Science — which can be quite a burden sometimes. My interests range from Unix-like operating systems to web-based technologies and distributed systems, from robotics and simulation environments to programming languages & their dialects, software development techniques, continuous integration, testing and deployment and back to system engineering and human-robot interaction, TBC [...]
In the past years, I have been focusing on reproducibility aspects of software intensive robotics experiments. Please take a look at my list of publications for more detailed information.
Last, I also used to write blog articles about projects I have been working on. Unfortunately, I cannot find the time to continue this activity — you might give the internet archive a try. But, who knows, maybe I'll start writing articles again 🙊
- Originally from in the North, but now living in the South.
- lier.florian@gmail.com
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Best Paper Award — ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2020
World Champion RoboCup SSPL@Home (team lead) | RoboCup Montreal — 1st place 2018 RoboCup@Home SSPL league
Winner Founders Foundation Hack Days | AI/VR/Robotics — 1st Place Awarded 40.000€ 2018
Best Poster Award | RoboCup Montreal — Best Poster Award in @Home SSPL 2018
Winner CITEC StartUp Hack Days — Technology Prize for Best Business Idea 2017
Winner Founders Foundation — 1st place @ MIELE Challenge 2017
World Champion RoboCup@Home (team lead) | RoboCup Leipzig — 1st place 2016 RoboCup@Home league
Best Paper Award — International Conference on Human-agent Interaction (HAI) 2016
Oxford University — Reproducibility in Robotics - The Big 5 Issues | July 19th 2018. Oxford, UK
University of Lincoln — Tackling Reproducibility in Robotics | August 31th 2018. Lincoln, UK
ROS Developers Podcast — Programming Pepper with ROS for the Robocup with Florian Lier | April 3rd 2018. Online
Italian Institute of Technology — Reproducible Robotics Experiments — What Can Possibly Go Wrong? | May 8th 2018. Genova, Italy
Christian Albrechts University — From Publication to Replication in Robotics — A Long Journey | March 18th 2016. Kiel, Germany
Indiana University — Modeling Software Systems in Experimental Robotics for Improved Reproducibility | May 20th 2017. Bloomington, USA
Christian Albrechts University — From Publication to Replication in Robotics — A Long Journey | March 18th 2016. Kiel, Germany
CoR-Lab — From Software Systems to Automated Experiment Execution | May 18th 2015. Bielefeld, Germany
Robert BOSCH GmbH — From System Modeling to Automated System Testing | February 12th 2015. Stuttgart, Germany
MA Thesis, Robert Feldhans — A Configurable Speech Recognition Pipeline for Social Robots
BA Thesis, Martin Wiechmann — CitKat - Automated Transformation of Robotics Software Systems Descriptions into a Human Readable Representation
BA Thesis, Oestreich Hendrik — Realisierung einer intuitiven Nutzerschnittstelle zur Parametrisierung eines industriellen Produktionssystems
BA Thesis, Matthias Frick — Präsentation multimedialer Artefakte auf dem iPhone am Beispiel einer Seminaranwendung,
BA Thesis, Marcel Dulisch — Integration einer Pfadplanung für den Katana Arm auf einem mobilen Roboter [...]
BA Thesis, S. Bollmann — Interaction with Projected User-Interfaces using the Kinect
Summer Term 2018
Summer Term 2017
Team Leader et al. ToBI RoboCup@Home 2017, Robocup World Cup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan (3rd Place)
Summer Term 2016
Winter Term 2014
Summer Term 2014
Project Intelligent Room: Cooking-with-a-robot: Flobi-cook-book
Winter Term 2013
Summer Term 2013
Seminar Intelligent Room ISY Proceedings of the Summer Term 2013
Winter Term 2012
Summer Term 2012
Team Leader et al. ToBI RoboCup@Home 2012, Robocup World Cup 2012, Mexico City, Mexico (3rd Place)
Project Intelligent Room: An autonomous silent butler for an assistive living room II
Winter Term 2011/2012
Project Intelligent Room: An autonomous silent butler for an assistive living room I
Summer Term 2011
Team Leader et al. ToBI RoboCup@Home 2011, Istanbul, Turkey (5th Place)
Winter Term 2010/2011
Summer Term 2010
Associated Team Member ToBI RoboCup@Home 2010, Singapore (7th Place)
European PhD School in Robotics — January 2013, Leuven, Belgium | Hosted by Prof. Dr. Herman Bruyninckx
FSMT — Finite State Machine Based System Testing (Maintainer)
RML CITK — Robot Meta Logger (Developer)
Modular Open Robotics Simulation Engine — MORSE (Contributor)
ROS Leap Motion — Leap Motion ROS Package (Maintainer)
ROS Aruco — ROS Aruco Package (Maintainer)
MORSE Module — MORSE Image to ROS CVBridge (Maintainer)